To make a diagnosis or determining diseases suffered by a person there are lots of way. Frequently used way is by examining the patient's body, such as eyes, lips, tongue, skin, nails, heart rate and so on. Can also be a way to check the dirt removed the patient, such as sweat, urine, or stool. Normally this examination results are only used as primary examination or as a complement to investigations. One and how these will be discussed is to check the stool or diarrhea and the patient. In terms of Ayurveda is called sakrt Pariksha. Feces or sakrt This is one of the mala and the human body. That is, if the feces are not removed and the body on a regular basis, then the body will suffer pain. At least every day or every 24 hours of this stool has to be removed and the body. If more and this time period, let alone a few stools han not, chances are the person menalami health problems. Need to do an action to overcome them. Already in ancient times sakrt or feces can be used as a sup...