To make a diagnosis or determining diseases suffered by a person there are lots of way. Frequently used way is by examining the patient's body, such as eyes, lips, tongue, skin, nails, heart rate and so on. Can also be a way to check the dirt removed the patient, such as sweat, urine, or stool. Normally this examination results are only used as primary examination or as a complement to investigations. One and how these will be discussed is to check the stool or diarrhea and the patient. In terms of Ayurveda is called sakrt Pariksha. Feces or sakrt This is one of the mala and the human body. That is, if the feces are not removed and the body on a regular basis, then the body will suffer pain. At least every day or every 24 hours of this stool has to be removed and the body. If more and this time period, let alone a few stools han not, chances are the person menalami health problems. Need to do an action to overcome them.
Already in ancient times sakrt or feces can be used as a support in establishing the diagnosis or the proper way nidana. Sometimes just by examining the stool just a waidhya, healers or shamans are smart already can determine the diagnosis. According to Ayurveda the book there are as many as 16 kinds of brands in the stool that can be used as indicators of disturbance in a person's health. Sixteenth kinds of brand directions are:
If a person defecate green (Harita) or bluish (Syama), means there is an increase Pitta tridosha element in his body, so he suffered Pitta roga.
If beraknya many accompanied by a whitish color (sitha, sukla) and submerged in water (gutika bhanda) is a sign of an increase in tri elements Kapha dosha. He was suffering from Kapha Toga.
When an interruption occurs more than one element tridosha, where elements tridosha vatta and Kapha disturbed balance, manure will be colored blue-black (Syama Krsna) and whitish or pale (sita). As another example, the interference with the elements of the tri dosha Pitta vatta along with elements, will produce a green manure (Harita) and solid (baddha). There are still many other brands that can be used to help support the diagnosis of disease suffered by a person, through the examination sakrt Pariksha, which can be read in the book of Ayurveda.
Already in ancient times sakrt or feces can be used as a support in establishing the diagnosis or the proper way nidana. Sometimes just by examining the stool just a waidhya, healers or shamans are smart already can determine the diagnosis. According to Ayurveda the book there are as many as 16 kinds of brands in the stool that can be used as indicators of disturbance in a person's health. Sixteenth kinds of brand directions are:
- Durgandha a very foul smell of shit too much.
- Vigandha: stool does not smell, or smell a bit strange, unusual smell of dung.
- Syama: kebirubiruan colored stool.
- Vit-trutita beraknya shaped small granules, such as goat dung.
- Sita faeces pale white.
- Arakta: sakrtnya reddish.
- Kapila coktat colored stool or blackish.
- Shita: beraknya palpable cold.
- Sithila: faeces rather loose, less dense.
- Saphenous: frothy stools.
- Harita: faeces greenish color.
- Gutika bandha: beraknya hard and very dense (sinks in water).
- Dumra: mengeluarkari smoke their faeces.
- Vivida varnaka: beraknya composed and range of color mixtures.
- Krsna: black stools.
- Baddha danabaddha dense and loose stool
If a person defecate green (Harita) or bluish (Syama), means there is an increase Pitta tridosha element in his body, so he suffered Pitta roga.
If beraknya many accompanied by a whitish color (sitha, sukla) and submerged in water (gutika bhanda) is a sign of an increase in tri elements Kapha dosha. He was suffering from Kapha Toga.
When an interruption occurs more than one element tridosha, where elements tridosha vatta and Kapha disturbed balance, manure will be colored blue-black (Syama Krsna) and whitish or pale (sita). As another example, the interference with the elements of the tri dosha Pitta vatta along with elements, will produce a green manure (Harita) and solid (baddha). There are still many other brands that can be used to help support the diagnosis of disease suffered by a person, through the examination sakrt Pariksha, which can be read in the book of Ayurveda.
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